Year: 2019

Dr. Jeffrey Allred is one of the leading dentists in San Marcos, CA. Dr. Allred offers his patients a wide variety of dental solutions to help restore and repair any aesthetic or functional aspects of their teeth so patients have a better-looking smile. Dr. Allred’s experience and dental training allows him to provide the best...

Adults of all ages with missing teeth or unsightly gaps can significantly benefit from dental implants. Whether you were born with a missing tooth or have had a tooth extraction due to decay, injury, or infection, dental implants can be a smart choice for both your oral and overall health. Implants are considered the standard...

Your smile says a lot about you before you even speak a word. For adult men and women who do not have straight, healthy teeth, they may not be willing to smile as frequently and could potentially come across as insecure or unfriendly when really, they are simply embarrassed. The decision to seek adult orthodontic...

For many men and women, the idea of going to the dentist can strike fear in their hearts. In fact, as many as 20 percent of Americans avoid going to the dentist due to dental anxiety. The idea of sitting in a dentist chair can cause many people’s entire body to be tense with fear,...

The decision to undergo any type of cosmetic dentistry procedure is important one that can significantly change the way you look. When choosing a cosmetic dentist, experience, technique, and a personality that fits with yours are essential. There are many professionals to choose from when you begin your search. Whether it is whitening your teeth,...

Are you happy with the way your teeth look? Or, do you find yourself camouflaging your smile because you are unhappy with the shape, color, or overall appearance of your teeth? Porcelain veneers are a relatively simple and very effective treatment for men and women with chipped, weakened, discolored, or misaligned teeth. This thin custom-made...

Tooth loss can be devastating. By impairing one’s ability to chew properly, having multiple missing teeth may ultimately lead to malnutrition and other related health issues. The condition also can cause embarrassment and lower self-confidence levels as it negatively impacts the quality of one’s speech and the appearance of their smile. Removable dentures previously were...

When a tooth is missing, it can have serious implications on one’s oral and overall health. Studies have shown that adults with missing teeth are at an increased risk of suffering from malnutrition. The loss of function from a missing tooth can make chewing difficult, which may prompt the selection of soft foods over vitamin-...

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