IV Sedation: Enjoy Better Oral Health Without the Worry

iv sedation relaxDo you find going to the dentist to be stressful? Have you put off necessary appointments due to experiencing anxiety over the idea of going? You are not alone. Many Americans put off their dental care due to the fear or worry they feel even just sitting in the lobby. Dental anxiety is a real issue for both men and women, but delaying or avoiding oral healthcare may also have consequences. Regular dental care can help to provide you with a healthy mouth, which is essential to your general health and well-being. Dentists today are more patient-centered than ever and are continually seeking ways to make dental visits more enjoyable. Dental sedation is one such service that offers individuals peace of mind so that they can get the dental care they need for a healthy smile.

At Allred Dental, your comfort level is a priority. Dr. Jeffrey Allred is one of the leading dental experts in San Marcos, CA. Dr. He is pleased to provide cosmetic and restorative dental solutions along with dental sedation to patients who need a little extra help during their appointments. Dental anxiety is a real issue for some patients. If this includes you, Allred Dental can offer solutions to ease your mind and lower your stress level. Do not compromise your dental health due to fear or anxiety. Here is some helpful information from Allred Dental on how IV sedation is allowing patients to receive the dental care they need, without the worry.

Do I have dental anxiety?

Patients in the San Marcos area who have dental anxiety typically dread going to their dental appointments. The aesthetics of a dental office, combined with the sounds or smells, and even just sitting in the dental chair can bring on a sense of uneasiness. Dental anxiety may be the result of a previous negative experience or hearing about a friend’s unhappy visit to their own dentist. Dental anxiety is not to be confused with a more severe condition called dental phobia. Dental phobia often induces a severe fear or panic at just the mention of visiting the dentist. Both cause a level of stress for individuals and, in many cases, may lead to a patient putting off or altogether avoiding dental care.

Signs of dental fear

Do you have a mounting sense of nervousness when just waiting at the dentist's office? Have you experienced trouble sleeping at night before your procedure? Does the thought of making a dental appointment may you feel ill physically? Do you feel panicked or short of breath during your dental exam or procedure? All of these situations can be a form of either dental anxiety or a more severe condition of dental phobia. Women and men who put off their dental care can put themselves at a higher risk of tooth decay, oral disease, and other life-threatening conditions like heart disease. Maintaining good oral healthcare with a San Marcos, CA dentist is crucial to not only have a great smile, but also to keep your overall health in check.

IV sedation helps with dental fears

Dental sedation is just like it sounds — it is a way for patients to remain comfortable and calm during dental procedures. Dental sedation may be offered in many forms and deliver anywhere from mild relaxation to heavier sedative effects. Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” can help patients overcome a slight case of anxiety, while oral-conscious sedation, an anti-anxiety pill, produces a greater sense of calm and relaxation. IV sedation, also known as “conscious sedation,” administers anti-anxiety medication intravenously and may be ideal for more severe cases of anxiety or when a patient has multiple treatment needs. With 15% of the U.S. population dealing with some form of dental anxiety, progressive dentists like Dr. Allred have taken the necessary measures by offering these sedation dentistry services to their patients. With today's options, you do not have to let anxiety interfere with having a healthy smile.

Do I need IV sedation?

Patients in good health can be a candidate for IV sedation, but your dentist is the best resource to decide whether you need it. Allred Dental offers several sedation options to make San Marcos, CA patients feel more comfortable during their dental visits. During your consultation, Dr. Allred will discuss all of the possibilities and determine the best method to fit your needs. You do not have to avoid a dental cleaning or necessary procedure when caring dentists like Dr. Allred offer these kinds of solutions to put your mind at ease.

How does IV sedation work?

IV dental sedation helps men and women who are dental phobic or who experience a more severe level of anxiety. Once administered, it works fairly quickly and the dosage can be adjusted throughout the appointment by Dr. Allred if needed. Though technically they remain awake, patients who have IV sedation experience sleepy relaxation during their dental appointment and typically do not remember much about their visit. Dr. Allred will monitor and adjust the IV sedation medication throughout the entire procedure so that the patient remains safe and sedated the whole time. Once the dental procedure is over, Dr. Allred will remove the IV and in most cases, the patient will be alert and awake within a couple of minutes.

Care after IV sedation

Patients must arrange for someone to drive them home after IV sedation. Most individuals sleep for the rest of the day, but should remain hydrated with water and have someone look after them for at least the first 24 hours. IV sedation is a great solution to allow men and women a way to overcome their fear of the dentist during routine or complicated procedures. It is a safe and convenient way for patients to get the dental care needed while remaining relaxed during the process.

You can ease your worry about going to the dentist with sedation dentistry. IV sedation is one of the several options that Dr. Allred offers patients in the San Marcos, CA area. If you struggle with dental anxiety or dental phobia, you do not have to avoid visiting the dentist. Allred Dental is pleased to provide sedation dentistry and support to our patients so that dental health is not compromised. If you have put off visiting the dentist, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Allred to discuss dental sedation and your treatment needs.

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