Category: Dental Health

Oral discomfort, whether from tooth sensitivity or a toothache, can range from minor to severe, and can be enough to interfere with daily life. When this is the case, there are many effective treatments we can provide to our patients at Allred Dental. Dr. Jeffrey Allred understands how to restore comfort and health to his...

If you are one of the millions of men and women who suffer with snoring and/or sleep apnea, life may be miserable. Disturbed sleep can result in daytime fatigue and irritability, and snoring can often cause problems between you and your partner. You may also be experiencing painful symptoms like headaches, jaw discomfort, and a...

Your smile is one of the first features people notice, so any flaws in your teeth can put a damper on your self-confidence. A discolored smile can be relatively easy to correct on your own, but more severe issues can require professional intervention. One of the most significant dental issues a person can face is...

Your gums are an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to protecting your oral health. They have the critical job of not only acting as the first line of defense in protecting your teeth and their roots, but also keeping them in their designated places. When in good condition, the gums can help...

Routine dental care not only keeps your oral health in check, but also gives you a smile you're proud to show off. Smiling can have a positive effect on your mood and overall state of mind, but when you are embarrassed about your teeth, it can make you self-conscious. The professional team at Allred Dental...

If you snore – and particularly if you have a partner that snores, you know all too well how much of a nuisance this common problem can be. What you may not know, however, is that there is quite a strong correlation between snoring and a person’s oral health. Dr. Jeffrey Allred and the expert...

While the thought of losing a permanent tooth is not a pleasant one, it is a reality that many adults will face at some point in their lifetime. Through the use of implant dentistry, patients are able to restore — and even enhance — their smiles more easily than ever. Dr. Jeffrey Allred and the...

Protecting your smile is not just about teeth that are pearly-white or perfectly aligned. Your gums are an integral part of the equation, for your oral health as well as your overall health. The symptoms of gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, are usually painless in the beginning and can make their home...

Regular visits to a general dentist are an essential factor in ensuring good dental health throughout your lifetime. Enjoying the feel, look, and function of a healthy mouth is necessary for a person’s overall well-being. With today’s advancements in the dental field, it has never been easier for patients and their families to receive excellent...

Porcelain veneers are one of the most effective ways to enhance the look, quality, and confidence of your smile. Certain imperfections like teeth stained from coffee or tea, minor chips or cracks in the front teeth, and worn biting edges can all have a profound impact on the appearance of your smile. These issues can...

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